“Who do you say I am?”
Mark 8:29
Many people around the world, believe in an idea of a god. A supernatural force that created the universe and the life within it. An entity, or a person who oversees all life and can be called upon for protection in exceptional circumstances. How does Jesus fit into the idea of the creator and sustainer of the universe?
As a Bible believing Christian church, we believe that Jesus is the crucial part of the search for God that all of us have within us. God transformed a part of himself into a human forever, and allowed that part of himself to suffer and die a brutal death. Because he was perfect and deserved no punishment, his death made a way for us to avoid the punishment that was destined for us. We just have to choose to embrace Jesus. It is a free gift, but it requires us to give our lives to him. To thank Him and worship Him as our saviour.
He also has a unique purpose for us to fulfill in our lives. A specific set of tasks that only you can perform.
He knows the pain you have been through, because he has been through every imaginable pain himself.
He is the creator of the universe.
He is the rightful king of the whole world, who will one day reign for ever.
He is a human brother, who loves you and endured death for you.
Jesus is alive today.
Jesus is at work in the world today.
Jesus brings freedom and healing to all who encounter him.
We worship him at Emmanuel.
Jesus is the only one worthy of your praise.
Alpha Course
The video below is taken from a session on the Alpha course, which seeks to introduce the basics of the Christian faith through a series of talks and discussions. We run the Alpha course at Emmanuel from time-to-time, so if you are interested in attending this, please let us know.