We a a multigenerational congregation who meet every Sunday morning at 10.30am and you will receive a warm welcome from the moment you arrive. There are tea and coffee available on arrival. This is self service and stops at 10.25. We start our times together with sung worship lead by one of our wonderfully gifted worship teams. There is opportunity to pray and receive prayer, to listen to a spoken message from the bible and to be family together. Please stick around for a free brew and biscuits at the end of the service in our side hall.
We have children’s work available for those age 4 and upwards and there is also a crèche facility for tots with parental supervision. Our mount building is used throughout the week for different support and discipleship groups and activities. On a Wednesday the building is open for personal prayer and reflection 10-2pm. We have a community coffee cafe that runs on a Wednesday morning as well, so why not join us for a drink and chat.
Our desire is to see the church of Jesus Christ Activate, Vibrant, Equipped and Alive. Our mandate is to be a Christ Centred, Missional Community, loving people and transforming lives. So when we gather we see this as an opportunity to be encouraged, challenged, known and sent back out into every sphere of society in this area.
We are launching Life Groups in September 2021. It’s great to come together on a Sunday morning and be part of something bigger. But we also recognise the value in smaller togethernesses, where we can also belong, encounter, grow and go.
Get in touch if you want to connect and hope to see you soon.