Hi I’m Rob and it’s my joy and privilege to lead Emmanuel Church West. I’m married to Jane and we have two grown up children and a fun-loving granddaughter. As a teenager I was intrigued by the idea of God but cynical and suspicious about religion, yet on hearing the message about Jesus I became a Christian quite suddenly and life changed forever. I taught science for a number of years in both state secondary and Christian schools and the highlight of my life so far (after Jane, Joel, Cait and Skyla of course!) was three years in Kenya heading up an international school. In 2005 I began to make the transition into church leadership and studied part time at Moorlands college.
I am passionate about keeping church simple, reproducible and missional. I love to walk in the lakes, grow my own veg, see new places, cook spicy food, play my guitar, almost anything historical, time with family and friends and reading good books.