Emmanuel West is a church in West Fleetwood with a difference. We don’t have our own building because we want to find ways of ‘being church’ in community spaces and homes. We meet in small groups and try to keep things simple. We have a big vision though –‘to grow into a family of small community based groups dotted around West Fleetwood and beyond’ We sometimes refer to it as the ‘Tesco express model’ – a ‘simple church’ within everyone’s walking distance’.
West doesn’t do a lot of starting new things but encourages members to support the local community by joining in with what’s already going on. We don’t organise lots of events but instead try to build a community of people who are ‘contagious disciples of Jesus’
We meet every Sunday at 10:15 in small groups called ‘gospel communities’, so please contact us for more details. On the first Sunday of the month we all get together at the Rossall Tavern on Larkholme parade. We usually have lunch together afterwards and we try to find ways to have fun together and disciple one another through the week.
We run a community computer clinic alternate weeks at the Rossall Tavern – find us on facebook for dates (www.facebook.com/wfcomputerclinic)
We do seasonal bible studies, celebrate occasions together and run ‘courses’ for those who want to find out more about Christianity or grow in their faith, or want to improve their mental health, walk free from the past, or simply want to get a better understanding of the bible.
We believe in forming community over food and by sharing ‘ordinary life’. Sometimes we have Saturday instead of Sunday church – to be honest anything can happen (almost)!
Emmanuel West aims to be ‘a church for everyone’ which means you are very welcome to check us out whether you are a believer or not – sceptics particularly welcome . We think you will find us informal and friendly.
If you would like more information, contact our Pastor, Rob Guinney on 07580 356664 or via the main church office on 01253 770646 or check out our facebook page @emmanuelwestside